My impending freedom from the work world is getting closer every day (less than 2 years away!), and the plan for what happens after that has changed form many times. Volunteer? Work part time somewhere? Write that book? Travel has been the only constant.
Anyone who knows me probably knows that if I could choose anywhere to be it would be Paris. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel there many times and for some extended periods of time. While I’ve been thinking about what I will do when I have the time to do it, Paris keeps creeping back into my thoughts.
I can be happy for hours walking through the streets of Paris marveling at the ornate architecture. The flying buttresses at the back of Notre Dame are lit to perfection at night. The outdoor markets scattered throughout the city hold bins of gastronomic delights. Colorful fruits and vegetables, yeasty breads, pungent cheeses and more are proudly displayed by the vendors. At the sidewalk cafes all of the seats face outward to encourage people-watching. Well-dressed older women sedately walk their small dogs through the city and when it’s time for lunch the dogs occupy a seat at the table. I wonder how the French women can drape a scarf around their neck and look effortlessly chic. When I try it at home I am accused of trying to hide a hickey. Every day ends with the bateaux mouches trolling along the Seine; their lights reflecting off the buildings that line the river.
I just watched the movie ‘Julie and Julia’ the other day and it not only made me want to visit Paris again, it made me want to cook in Paris! Renting an apartment…no matter how small as long as it has a kitchen!…is going to happen.
And to that end I’m starting French language classes in September. How much of my high school French will come back to me??